Organizations Around the World

IASP logo
The International Assoc for Suicide Prevention and have put together a collection of resources, crisis centers and suicide hotlines available around the world and listed by country &/or continent.


CASP logo  The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, @CASP_CA
Centre for SP  Centre for Suicide Prevention (Calgary, Alberta), @cspyyc
Remembering Nicholas logo  Remembering Nicholas (Ontario), @PennyKnapp

United Kingdom

Anxiety United logo  Anxiety United Mental Health Network, @AnxietyUnited
Cruse logo  Cruse Bereavement Care (Hertfordshire), @CruseHerts
Depression Alliance logo  Depression Alliance, @DepressionAll
Grassroots Suicide Prevention Grassroots Suicide Prevention (Brighton) @GrassrootsSP
HBBS Counselling  HBBS Counselling (Havering & Brentwood Bereavement Service ), @HBBSCounselling
SANE logo  SANE (London), @CharitySANE
SOBS logo  Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS)


SP Australia logo  Suicide Prevention Australia, @SuicidePrevAU
Headspace logo  headspace – National Youth Mental Health Foundation, @headspace_aus